Monday, June 9, 2008

"Hi"s and "Goodbye"s

Week 3 was full of "Hi"s and "Goodbye"s.  Goodbye to...
1.  The granny gang aka the angels, the lifesavers, the support staff, the chefs, the housekeepers, the encouragers.
2.  Daddy!  Bright eyes doesn't know that the tan flight suit means that daddy is leaving for a long time yet.  But, Flounder knows that when the big flight bags come out something is amiss and he sulks for days!  David left on Tuesday and is due back on the 13th (not too long of a trip this time).  It was tough when he left.  We had so much fun with Olivia
 the first couple of weeks and it was so much fun to watch him take care of her and to have his support.  I miss him!!!  We're doing well, though just Flounder, baby, and me.  God'sgrace and strength are sufficient for every situation!  (Even 2am fussy episodes when I'm exhausted and lonely).  And we have wonderful friends who come bearing gifts and food everyday!  When David gets back he is headed to Oklahoma for a month.  The good news is that I just
 found out that my professors are going to help me with some distance learning so that I can miss the first 5 weeks of summer quarter and go with him.  ROAD TRIP!  Picture Megan, David, baby, and Flounder on the road to Oklahoma.  The whole eating every two hours should make the trip really interesting!  We'll keep you posted.  
3.  PAIN!  YAY I'm finally over the post delivery pain stuff and have been on my feet a lot...what a difference.  

And "Hi"s to...
1.  Pacifier...the lactation consultants make you very afraid of using pacifiers so I put it off for a few weeks but we finally introduced Olivia to her first one and it is MY best friend.  YAY no more crazy nights!
2.  Our friends Dan and Carrie O'Keefe brought their one year old son up to meet Olivia this week.  
3.  The DPT class of 2009.  Olivia went to her first party to celebrate the end of the quarter.  My classmates were very happy to see her even though they just labored through a miserable pediatrics final.  
4.  Calvary Chapel South.  She went to church for the first time.  It was great...she slept like a rock through the loud praise and worship but was a live wire during the sermon.  There is a nursing room there, though so I was able to listen to the message and keep her happy.  It was a great message this week!  Kevin talked about the importance of being Thankful in all things and not complaining.  It was good for me to hear because I have grown quite weary of living in the city and complain about it a lot!!!  I should think more on the wonderful things about being here!!  Like the great friends we have AND the fact that it is 60 degrees as opposed to 101 like it is at home...YIKES
Thanks for checking in with us.  Hope you are well.  We love you.  Megan and Olivia!

1 comment:

kelly said...

megan, it's so fun hearing about your first few weeks as a mommy! oh yes--pacifiers are a God-send! we held off too at first and then we saw the light:-) i guess it is today that david comes home--i know you two girls will be excited to see him! your adventure to oklahoma sounds fun! charlie and i found that when madison was the littlest was when it was easiest to go, go, go! praying for you guys!